Vale Of Tears (2) - From Birth To Expiration (album)

Innen: Metal Muzeum

Vale Of Tears

2003 Nail Records NAILMC 022 5999505131638


  1. A NewLife Beigns
  2. Doomsday
  3. Birth
  4. Deadly Temptation
  5. Human Being
  6. In The Land Of Forests
  7. Acedia
  8. Expiration
  9. Lost Reality
  10. The Son Of Nature


Mulicz Ferenc - vocals
Havancsák Gyula – bass
Mike – guitar, vocal
Mulicz Zoltán – guitar
Vass Zoltán – drums, vocal



Recorded and mixed by Kiss Sándor
Mastered by Regenye Zoltán, HSB

Music by Vale Of Tears
Band photo by Németh Mihály
Cover artwork by Havancsák Gyula
Lyrics translated by Fodor Tamás
Web design by Mile Géza


Thnaks to: Our Parents, Families and friends, József Attila Művelődési Központ Kisújszállás, Hartmann Kristóf, Uzseka Norbert, Milán Péter and Hammerworld, Németh Mihály, Mile Géza, Bodó „Bobó” Imre, Tünde, Kriszta & Káosz, Varga Balázs & Negative Art, Schmidt Péter & Ragyogás, Bakó Csaba & Shock, Tóth Gyula, Tóth Csaba, Karácsony Győrgy (tour driver), Dying Wish, Almanach, Gutted, Moonsister, Pakolgép, Autumn Twilight, Chaos Of Disorder, all fans…
and everyone who supported us.

Special thanks to: Kiss Sándor, Fodor Tamás, Elek János


„For within each seed there is a promise of a flower. And withing each death – no matter how small – there’s always a new life. A new… beginning.”