The Art of Dethronement - Hymn… for the Deepest Autumn (demo)

Innen: Metal Muzeum

The Art of Dethronement

1998 Szerzői kiadás, Blackwood Productions


  1. Opus one – Hymn… for the deepest autumn
  2. Opus two – A cold kiss
  3. Opus three – Through the gates
  4. Opus four – Ripping tusks and swishing claws


Tomi – vocals
Gabi – guitars and thrusts
Pisti – guitars
Totya – bass
Laci – drums
Adrienn – cellos
Ádám – violins


Zsolt – synthesizers
Norbi – cellos


The sounds of dark emotions was recorded by Németh Alajos at Bikini Studio, beetwen 20 and 27, december, MCMXCVII.
This copiright in this sound recording and artwork is owned ba The Art of Dethronement.


Thanks to fans, fanzines and all, who helped us to walk the way.
