Nervous Playground - Somwhere int he Universe – A3 (demo)

Innen: Metal Muzeum

Nervous Playground

1992 Szerzői kiadás


  1. Intro:4BARD48!?
  2. Nervous Playground
  3. Refraction
  4. Cosmic door
  5. Feeling nervous
  6. Sense of a blue night
  7. White shades of black shades
  8. Epilogue: The unlocked


Mármarosi Anna – guitar (Fender Stratocaster guitar with Rotosound strins (009) and Ibanez distortion)
Higi Balázs – guitar (R.C.Rich guitar with Rotosound strings (009) and Zoom effects)
Antal Dávid – bass, lead vocals (Yasuki bass. with Boss distortion, Shadow strinx (040) and Jim Dunlop’s Riffs (96mm)
Varga Kovács Roland – lashes Amati drums, Meinl cymbals, Remo drumheads and Meinl drumsticks (hickory 6)



All music by Nervous Playground
All lyrics by Dave and Roll
Cover design by Ray Dettling
Inside cover design by Roll
Foto: V.K. Hetti, Yaksy, mixed by Roll
Assistent: Dave
Recorded and mixed by Michelis John, at magic us everywhere we have needed.
Ship Studio, Mohács in August of 1992


Specdial thanckxs to everyone who helped us: Hi Comp KFT, Michelis János and Magic Ship, Bánfai Attila and Cultic Pulp, Szittyó, Guszti and Hangloose, Dave, Gábor (ex Neütral), Deér Balázs and Tatus from A.R.C. (Alternative and Rock Club, Bonyhád), Varga Kovács Hetti, Bucher Móni and her Mother, Mármarosi Zoltán, Yaksy, Molnár Dávid, Molnár Péter, Stress, Gery and Sarlatán, Barbed Wire, Slogan, Unfit Association, Cusi, D.J. from Szekszárd, Nagyi and Golyó, Gyimó, our families and everyone whom we forgot…
And you for the financial sacrifice (buying the Tape)
And an Extra-Special Thanckxsz to Citroen BX (BDY-549) for carrying
