Falcongate - Long way to go (album)
2000 Alvin Records AR MC 07
- The king
- Better give it to me
- Your eyes are the mirror of your soul
- Commercial
- Hardcore punks will survive techno revolution
- Another name int he magazine
- Give a helping hand
- Plastic people
- „L.R.R.H.”
- Bad dream
- We’re still real
- Looking for the exit sign
- Long way to go
Recorded 2000 March at TLS zeneház, Nyíregyháza.
All song on this record were written by Falcongate.
Except: „Another name in the magazine” by Dan Potthast.
Lyrics for track 4, 4, 8, 11, 12 written Gyimesi Ádám
Lyrics for track 7, 9 written by Pántya Róbert
Design: Pásztor István
Thanks to: Our family, Pásztor István and Alvin Records, Alvin és a Mókusok, Toma, Túró, Dr. Gyimesi András, Gyimesi Ádám, Kiss Balázs (Baba), Pántya Róbert, Balogh József, Jakab zoltán, Szántó Tamás, Józsa Zoltán, Andi Dvorak, Varga Györgyi, Danca Viktor, Zelenák Ferenc, Molnár Tamás, all our friends in Kiskőrös, Szentes, Szeged, Jászberény and int he world.
the girlfriends (Csilla, Brigi, Réka), evrybody who distributed „Meet Falcongate”, Still Strong, Resources and all the bands we played with, the whole F.G. Crew, all the zines and all the people who helped us, all who support the band and visit our show (you kept us alive int he past 6 years), everybody we thanked before, Kneifel Ferenc and Közüzemi Kft., Debreczeni László (Deba-Print Kft.) and you, sign here: …