Dying Wish - The Silent Horizon (ep)
2000 Hammer Music Productions HMPMC001 5999505130105
- Silent horizon
- Slave to the night
- Hiding in me
- Shelter
- The valley
- The night embraces me (new version ’99)
- Monori György – lead vocal
- Papp Sándor – bass
- Árva Péter – guitars
- Moldoványi János – drums
- Schmidt Péter – keyboards, vocal
- Papp Lajos – guitars, vocal
Scream by Erős Anna „Slave to the night”
All music by Dying Wish
All lyrics by Papp Lajos and Moldoványi János
Recorded and mixed in PMK, Kiss Sándor Mobile Studio.
23-26 08. and 31.08-01.09 1999
Engineered by Kiss Sándor
Mixed by Kiss Sándor and Dying Wish
Cover and band photo by Némerth Mihály and Gombos Tibor
Cover design by Józsa János and Dying Wish
Beethowen Stúdió
Logo design by Papp Lajos
Lyrics translated by Papp Márta
Thanks to: Families, friends, girlfriends, PMK, Varga Matild, Kóti Valéria, Zsinka György, Moldoványi Terdik Péter (driver), Papp Márta, Németh Mihály, Gombos tibor, Hartmann Kristóf and Uzseka Norbertb(Metal Hammer and Hammer Music Productions), Bakó Csaba and Shock! Magazine, Szabó Gábor and Twilight Magazine, Backwoods Prod., Mare Tenebrarum ’zine/dist., Kétes, Vale Of Tears, Fürgerókalábak… and all the bands, magazines, fanzines, radios, distributors, fans who helped and stand by u sin the long, long way!