Carved Fetus - Under the Effect of Nonnutrious (demo)
Demo '94
1994 Szerzői kiadás
- Intro (Under the Effect of Nonnutrious)
- Innards Gush
- Bursting Facial Effusion
- Unhygienic Plasma Aspiration
- Defleshed
- Szollár Attila – bassszusgitár
- Véber Alfréd – dob
- Pintér István – gitár
- Franyó György – ének
A felvétel a Viking Stúdióban készült.
Hangmérnök: Gajda László
We would like tos say thank for the following people: Our famillies for their comprehension and support (especially Billy’s famikly), Kula, Zoli, Colin, Kagyló for the constant inspiration and friendship, Csapó Laci, girlfriends: Juli, Anikó, Kati, Master Mekk for the rehearsal, Rózsa Zoltán, Rezső for the guitar, Hupinyek, V. Solvent, Ille and Alfred’s Violin for the advices, Ottó and Karesz, Pumpe, Piller, All the ’zines (especially for Chris and Dark Flowers), Gách Imre for his support, Kusinka Tamás for the logo, and all the people who helped is. You know, who you are.
Special thanx to Gajda „Thermonuofear” Laci.
Bands: Purulent Innards (R.I.P. ), Eczema (R.I.P.), Intense Agonizing, Alfred’s Violin, Carcass, Cannibal Corpse, big hello to William, Jeffrey, Kenneth and the Toy Dolls.