Alfred's Violin - Oxidized (demo)
1997 Szerzői kiadás
- Tompa Dávid – voiceman
- Koller Szilárd – guitar
- Csaba Béla – guitar
- Josa Miklós – bass
- Török Ágnes – flute
- Ziskó Olivér – drums
All songs and lyrics written by Alfred’s Violin
Cover by Hodzsi
Logos by Puby
Special thanks to: Németh Gergely from Anima Sound System for the moogsynth parts , Scoob from Last players for the skratch parts, Keibinger from Social Free Face for his help
We want to salute and give gratitude to: Vida Ferenc and Gábor, Gerle, Key, Skeke, our families, Hajnalka, alexandra, Bogyó, Orsi, Tatjana, Varga Edit, Csicsics, Szandra, Andi, Mártás, Ildi, Mariann, Kocka, Zsuzsi, Barbara, Bárány Anna, Mikike and Bia, Ille, Hurvinyek, Fábrik Imre, Copat, Blond Atish, Gibikó, Tenge, Pajesz, Ati, Beze, Puby, Toli, Jakab Gábor and László, Fresh Fabrik, Zsoltika, Sas, Béla and Social Free Face, Levente, Animosity, Muzzó, Bigyusz, Berci, Balázs and Strong Deformity, Éder, Gyurka, Műhely, Fodi and Mink, Tano, Gaál András, Hege and Tibike from Secret Valley, Csordás Ferenc, Lalátka Lajos and Intense, Koller Szabolcs, Simkó Péter, Józanészek, Toncsi Cox, Döbrösi gábor, Bandó and sear Bliss, the workers from the iron-water-machine inc., Csaszi, Kokó, Andriska, Robi, Marci, Isti, Rotties, all the fanzines and magazinest hat support us, Csucsu from Frigid Air family, Zsenya, Süni, Hurka from Fattyúk tava, Nagyi and the „Station”, Vasas józsef, Bujtás Ervin, Bobi Peru Band, Csipkés Boogie, Villon, Polgár Zsolt, the english department of BDTF, all the concert organizers and bands, who support us, Vajda Tamás, Hodzsi Free Hands, Füzessi Balázs, Hörmen, Trummer Ferenc and his wife, Békefi Antal, 2Little” Soós, Gábor András, Liberal Youth, Sütő Zoltán, Vörös Zoltán from Headbangers, and all the people, who helped us but we forgot them to mention.