Let the hammer fall Vol. 58. - Válogatás album

Innen: Metal Muzeum

Válogatás albumok

2007 Hammer World HWCD 2007/07-08 977158940810507008


  1. OssianVilágtalan világ
  2. Wasp – Mercy
  3. Amorphis – Silent waters
  4. Nile Papyrus – Containing…
  5. Sunday FurySave at last
  6. At Vance – Cold as ice
  7. Anterior – The silent divide
  8. NevergreenKereszt az égen
  9. Hellfueled – Rewinding time
  10. Ride The Sky – A smile from heaven’s eye
  11. Shell BeachThe maneuver
  12. Beyond The Sixth Seal – Nothing to prove
  13. Clawfinger – The price we pay
  14. NomadFlashback bazár
  15. Dekapitator – Deathstrike command
  16. Mangod.IncThe new revolution
  17. Stainless SteelChildren of innocent
  18. Cephalic Carnage – Endless cycle of violence


