Alfred's Violin - Moon breaker (demo)

Innen: Metal Muzeum

Alfred's Violin

1996 Szerzői kiadás


  1. Apathetic
  2. Human phobia


Tompa Dávid – voiceman
Csaba Béla – guitar
Illés Péter – guitar
Horváth Tamás – bass
Ziskó Olivér – drums
Simon Eszter – flute



Songs are written by Alfred’s Violin
Songs are recorded LMS Records
Graphics by Beze
Design by NTS


Alfred’s Violin want to salute and give gratitude to:
Vida Gábor, Berti, Vida Ferenc and LMS Records, Keji and Alexis Machine, Bertalan Zsolt and Bertalan Balázs, Bigyusz from Strong Deformity, Varga Péter, Éder and Gyurka from Carved Fetus, Beze, Jakab László és Gábor, Tenge, Toll, Gaál András, Fresh Fabrik, Tano from Hungarian Military, Csupi, Gibikó, Pajesz, Blond Atish, Csucsu, Ati, Puby, Dani, Sear Bliss, Totó, Fodi and Mink, Marci, Szandra, Mariann, Andi, Appendicitis, Levente, Our Family, Cadaveres De Tortugas, Nagy Gábor and „Végállomás”, Womb, „Total Car”, Jedo and „Lamentetion”, and everyone who supported us…
