„Casketgarden - …of grief (ep)” változatai közötti eltérés

Innen: Metal Muzeum
(Új oldal, tartalma: „Casketgarden ---- 2000 Szerzői kiadás EP ==Dalok== #'''Lett he lying begin''' #'''…”)
16. sor: 16. sor:
:[[Musitz Péter]] – guitar
:[[Musitz Péter]] – guitar
:[[Cseh István]] – voices
:[[Cseh István]] – voices
:[[Tóth Balázs]] – lead guitar
:[[Tóth Balázs (2)|Tóth Balázs]] – lead guitar
:[[Cseh Attila]] – drums
:[[Cseh Attila]] – drums

A lap jelenlegi, 2020. május 17., 13:15-kori változata


2000 Szerzői kiadás EP


  1. Lett he lying begin
  2. Crystallies
  3. Grotesque soul embodied
  4. The sentient
  5. I witness
  6. Grief 100%


Szabó Csaba – basszusgitár
Musitz Péter – guitar
Cseh István – voices
Tóth Balázs – lead guitar
Cseh Attila – drums



All music written by Casketgarden, lyrics by Tóth Balázs
…of grief was recorded at Adam’s Studio in Sturovo, Slovakia from 18. ’till 21. of june int he year 2000.
Engineered and mixed by Pásztor János
Cover by Spirk László


Forever hail to:
Pásztor János and his family, Spirk László and the bands we played with.

Families, Pusztai Péter and Black Street, The House Of Culture in Bezenye, Kaposvári László, Depths Of Depravity, Art Of Butchery, Bakó Csaba & Valentin Szilvia from Shock!, the ancient one, Land Of Charpatian ’zine, Twilight, From the Abyss!, Toxik! („thank you”), Stygian Shadows, Atheist, Total Addiction, Radio Saturnus and Rock Is „Dead”, Világ Zoltán & Csónakház Rock Club and to all the social filth of Mosonmagyaróvár you know who you are!

We still knee At The Gates and smell the Carcass…
