„Eclipse (1) - The MAN With Capitals (demo)” változatai közötti eltérés

Innen: Metal Muzeum
a (Metalmuzeum átnevezte a(z) Eclipse – The man with capitalist (demo) lapot Eclipse - The man with capitalist (demo) lapra átirányítás nélkül)
a (Metalmuzeum átnevezte a(z) Eclipse - The man with capitalist (demo) lapot Eclipse - The MAN With Capitals (demo) lapra átirányítás nélkül)
(Nincs különbség)

A lap 2020. május 6., 07:53-kori változata


1992 Szerzői kiadás


  1. Question mark
  2. Mr. Mesmer
  3. Reptile
  4. Epilepsy


Hudák Attila - bass
Tisza Tamás - guitars
Barna Tamás - guitars, Vocals
Takács József - drums



The Excelsior studio their work, to Jarmai György and Fukk Attila for their help at recording and also to Nagy Henriett for her collaboration.

Cover design and graphics by Zolaya and Thomas Brown


Thanks to:
The excelsior studio their work, to Jarmai György and Fukk Attila for their help at recording and also to Nagy Henriett for her collaboration.
Special thanks to:
our friend Mezőfi Imre, alias „Officially Sinned coal dissinance moth” for his alturistic help!


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