Dark Clouds - The horror of it all (album)

Innen: Metal Muzeum

Dark Clouds

1999 Szerzői kiadás


  1. The horror of it all pt.I.
  2. All roads lead to nevermore
  3. S.Y.R.
  4. Darkest of clouds
  5. Scene 5
  6. Where the taskmaster reigns
  7. Chant Voltairien
  8. Chance of a lifetime?
  9. The horror of it all pt.II.


Tauszik Viktor – vocals
Czetvitz Norbert – guitars
Köves Hugó – guitars
Szabó Szilárd – bass
Fekete Szabolcs – drums



Lyrics for „ Chant Voltairten” are based on Voltaire’s
Recorded and mixed at Golden Sound Studio Budapest, november 1998
Sound engineer: Gyurkovszky György
Produced by: Dark Clouds
Cover design by: Dark Clouds & Valentin Szilvia
Cover photo by Czetvitz Norbert
Band photos by Mikó Attila


We wish to thank:
our families, friends, Markovics Márk, Simó Boglárka, Baranyai Dávid, Valentin Szilvia, Tátrai Emese, Kaposvári László, fanzine editors and distributors, Mikó Attila, Mészáros Csaba, Neck Sprain, Septicmen, Testimony, Diafragma
Extra special thanks Báti Attila
